salem hospital photographer

Portland Oregon Newborn Photographer - Fresh 48 Session with baby Everett

I can’t believe this little newborn just turned one! In case you missed the post featuring this couple’s maternity session, CLICK HERE to see it (spoiler alert: they’re gorgeous). As usual, I’m way behind on blogging, so here I am, finally sharing this Fresh-48 session, over a year later. If you are asking what a “fresh-48” session is…Well, that is when I travel to you and photograph your baby within 48 hours of birth. This often takes place at a hospital, but can also be done in a birthing center or in your home. Most hospitals do not offer professional photography, so this is the ideal replacement for that…or simply for those who don’t want (or can’t afford) to have the birth photographed. Many clients who book fresh-48 sessions also book newborn portraits for a few weeks later, as babies really do change that much in that short of time.

Like many babies born in late 2019 or 2020, Everett has spent the majority of her first year at home, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. I don’t think she’s had any complaints, though, seeing as both of her moms have also been home pretty much this whole time.